Saturday, 10 May 2008

Jane Austin

I am by no means a GEEK! but there are one or two gadgets I have always wanted... and one of them is a SATNAV.

We have a few trips away planned this year so thought it might be best to get something to assist us to arrive in once piece ;). Actually, if I were to be completely honest, I would have to admit a recent journey (last week) which should have been 45 minutes, but actually turned out to be 1.5 hours - which was the deciding factor :)

So today myself, Julie and Luke went to collect our newest member of the family "Jane Austin"!

She is perfect...
1. She never answers me back
2. She responds to the slightest touch ;)
3. She lets me know when a speed camera is on the horizon
4. And surprisingly she is good at giving directions :) .. I see this as a device to reduce TENSION on outings and trips :)

My two favourite voices for here are "Jane" and "Austin Powers", hence from this day forth she is Jane Austin :)
This is the model we all opted for

1.On her first outing she has found us a Speed Camera we didn't know about and a local short cut!
2. Easy to use - even for a dummy like me
3. Clear screen - we opted for the larger screen for my dodgy eyesight (at least that's what I told Julie)
4. Route planning is as easy as piss
5. Points of Interest and SPEED Cameras!!!

Would highly recommend one to anyone.


Christian Briddon said...

Sorry David but you are SUCH a geek!!!

This is not a bad thing and I don't know why you keep fighting it. Most people in the office are geeks! We all work in IT for god's sake!!!

At least you are not a nerd! Or are you? ;-)

Victoria said...

You'll have to use her coming over to ours for lunch - arrange a suitable date with Christian next time you speak. Love to Julie xx