Sunday, 31 August 2008
Hammerhead is DEAD
It is very gung-ho and pro-American... but when you are pished it is an entertaining watch. Go on... you know you want to... have a watch... The Unit
Anyway when I started watching the show last year I guessed that one of two main characters from the five was gonna bite the bullet - and in 3 season - my assumptions were right!!!!
Charles Grey codename "Betty Blue" and Hector Williams codename "Hammerhead"... both characters have no family ties so were both prime candidates for the "AXE".
Anyway in the last episode I watched - Betty Blue was shot and injured (quite bad) - so I thought he was gonna be pushing up daisies. He made it to the end of the episode and surviving holding Hammerheads hand all the way "don't worry mate you will make it". YUK YUK YUK... then in the final minutes Hammerhead took a shot from a sniper whilst the other guy survived!!!!
Anyway - I told myself it was A or B and what do you know it was B !!!!!
My Current Favourite Song
Serena Ryder - her album "If Your Memory Serves You Well" - is simply fantastic and a good easy listen.
This song "Weak at the Knees" from her album is my current favourite and one my iPod gets many repeat requests :)
My Current Favourite Film
This is a funny film - about a Hitman who is strugginling with life. Everything revolves around his high school reunion and a "JOB" in his home town.
A well directed, acted and produced film. It is the kind of film that you stumble upon - and OMG when you do it is worth the watch.
If you havent watched it... watch it!!!!!
Good things about this film
1. The film - it is just ssssoooo good
2. The music - retro and modern, if you dont wanna watch it just get the sound track
3. John Cusack - an under rated star in my opinion (on the fringe). We should be adoring this guys talent instead of self obsessed tossers like Tom Cruise.
4. Dan Ackroyd - as always FANTASTIC. He has a minor role in this film but he is outstanding - the final scene with him is a shoot out with John Cusack and it is just brilliant and funny
5. Hank Azaria - mostly known for his voices in the Simpsons. He plays a "g-man" in this film and he is again GOOD
6. Hitmen - if you were to be killed by a hitman - it would have to be John Cusack - he is the coolest HITMAN around!! :)
Trust me - if you havent seen it, watch it - if you have seen it watch it again and NOW!!!!!
A poor quality You Tube trailer of the film:
Sunday, 17 August 2008
Oh no look at the HAIR!!!
Few pictures of my mate and me for those who know us (to have a chuckle at - I have no dignity)
At my wedding - most of the photos from the occasion I look gaumless and a little nervous - Stewart as he always did looks composed (this taken before his speech) and a cheeky grin and his to be future wife Karen :)
Anyway - I tell this story about when I got sun burnt on the holiday and here is the proof...
I went on a ride at the Epcot centre the day after this was taken. And the skin on my shoulders had started to harden. Whilst whizzing around on the ride the harness pushed against my shoulders and literally took the skin off!!!!! It was RAW :(
Stewart seemed to come off the better of the two, but he was in as much pain as I :D
One final one, and before you all think it - yes I had HORRIBLE CURTAINS of a hair DO - but at least I had hair eh Stew ;) !!!
Anyway... for those of you who knew Stewart. Karen his wife and her brother are doing a sponsored SKYDIVE (BRAVE!!!!!)
If you would like to sponsor her... please feel free to here