Sunday, 31 August 2008

Hammerhead is DEAD

I like watching all sorts of rubbish on telly - and The Unit is one of these programs.

It is very gung-ho and pro-American... but when you are pished it is an entertaining watch. Go on... you know you want to... have a watch...
The Unit

Anyway when I started watching the show last year I guessed that one of two main characters from the five was gonna bite the bullet - and in 3 season - my assumptions were right!!!!

Charles Grey codename "Betty Blue" and Hector Williams codename "Hammerhead"... both characters have no family ties so were both prime candidates for the "AXE".

Anyway in the last episode I watched - Betty Blue was shot and injured (quite bad) - so I thought he was gonna be pushing up daisies. He made it to the end of the episode and surviving holding Hammerheads hand all the way "don't worry mate you will make it". YUK YUK YUK... then in the final minutes Hammerhead took a shot from a sniper whilst the other guy survived!!!!

Anyway - I told myself it was A or B and what do you know it was B !!!!!

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