I have to admit - it was good value for money - we had a nice breakfast and didn't have to queue for character photos. When you are in the parks you have to queue for ages just to get a photo with one of the characters. At the breakfast you site and eat and they come around to you. You get to see all the characters currently working and they pose for pictures and entertain the kids.
We also visited Epcot after brekky as the Hotel/Restaurant is on the monorail route and easy to get into the parks. Epcot isn't the best of the parks but we went on an interesting ride - "SOARIN'! My nephews even managed to get my 62 year old mum on the ride - she shut her eyes on it from start to finish :)
I was amazed by this ride it was so funny but for the kids - Turtle Talk with Crush (from Finding Nemo). This was an amazing piece of technology also. You all sit in the audience in front of a cinema screen and Crush swims in. He then talks to you all and is animated completely. He asks you questions and you answer and its all animated in CGI - very cool. The guy doing his was was hilarious - all the adults were laughing!!!
We also went on Honey I Shrunk the Audience, Spaceship Earth and Journey into Imagination.
Luke also bought some Spider-man and Batman grundies and refuses to wear them the correct way. There is a large picture of the character on the ass of the pants. But he wants this at the front where he can see - he doesn't consider they are hidden under his clothes :S
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