Saturday, 26 May 2007

YouTube: Star Wars 30th Anniversary

Found this Star Wars classic fan video:

And this soon to be classix fan video:

And we all know that Star Wars and Lego go hand in hand:

Eek Star Wars and Monty Python

Lol Star Wars vs Star Trek

Lol... What happened after the death star blew up

Lol... Star Wars Help Desk

Star Wars Mistakes


Christian Briddon said...

You really are a Star Wars geek aren't you!! :-)

David Callaghan said...

Star Wars ROCKs!!!

I am a true fan, naming my son after the lead character.

Shame George shafted us with the latest 3 films ;)

Anonymous said...

Is that you in the first movie? If not do you have a twin brother? it's a canny resemblance.