Tuesday, 30 September 2008
The Weekend
We planned to have our friends Phil and Nic and son Oliver around for the evening - usually a good night which usually always involves me getting drunk and making a fool out of myself :)
Luke developed some "spots" during the day and because Julie's niece is currently suffering from the Chicken Pox - we thought it best to warn Phil and Nic as Oliver is less than a year old and we didn't want to be the cause of him getting ill.
Anyway - Friday night was swiftly cancelled and I had to drink alone - BOO HOO
The spots turned out to be "excema" believe it or not - and had almost gone the following day.
Actually a good day - which finished off with me cooking a "Sunday" lunch for tea -because we were out all day the following day and couldn't have our usual Sunday meal.
Now anyone can do a Sunday lunch kinda meal - but for me this is a "big deal", because:
a) I am male and generally don't cook - am swift with the takeaway menus and payment ;)
b) I can't cook - I find it difficult and stressful
c) Something usually ends up burnt
Any I have found a cure for my cooking confidence - have a drink!!!! It eases the stress and things seem to "flow" a little better in the Kitchen area. Obviously I don't mean getting blotto and cooking - don't think a drunk chef and a gas hob really go together well.
Anyway I cooked: Chicken, Roast Spuds, Veggies (Carrots, Broccoli and Peas), Mashed Potatoes, lovely Onion gravy and Yorkshire puddings - the latter turned out really really well - if I do say so myself!!!!
End of the night was crap - Luke was full of cold and Julie ended up falling asleep nursing him. So I ended up spending the night on my own - WAH WAH WAH
A Christening with the Briddon family. We all got up bright and early and travelled to Dronfield in Sheffield to spend the day at the Christening (or so we thought) :(
On the way into the Church I was spotted by one of Christian's mates Tracy who is a fellow blogger. Christian is always telling me funny stories about her - the fact she joined the army shortly after watching Private Benjamin always makes me chuckle :)
The Christening went well and baby Amelia was a very very good baby for the Vicar - no tears, and she nodded off during the boring part of the service - the bit when they waffle endlessly - smart child if you ask me :)
I forgot to take my pocket change with me so I ended up putting a tenner in the collection pot -
BAH HUMBUG. I always donate, but not usually that much WAH WAH WAH
Off to Christian's mum and step-dad for a booze up and food. Food at the Briddon's is literally always fantastic and the booze was FREE - all day. Get in there - I thought :)
I sound like a grabbing bugger at this point - but just want to highlight the benefits before the next bit :D
Luke is a restless child at times, and when he gets in a bad mood everyone suffers. He is also currently suffering from a condition commonly known as "ignore your parents". I suffered from this illness for a short while - the cure for me was a clout around my lug holes (perhaps this is why I have abnormally large ears)!!!!
Whilst enjoying my third drink (Pimms, Pimms and a Stella) - I could see a "situation" progressing. Julie was gradually becoming more and more stressed and Luke getting grumpy. The usual run around the garden was not stemming his over active and grumpy manner. I myself started to get stressed when I observed Luke LAUNCH himself off the Window Seats in Christian's parents front room. They have a fantastic home - and I couldn't bare Luke to be the eventual cause of something getting broken.
Anyway, and despite Christian reassuring us both that things were OK and we were paranoid parents - we made a swift exit :(... missing more beers and food. BALLS!!!
We had to call off at Frankie and Benny's for a quick meal on the way home because Luke was ready for food. This cost me 30 QUID and I have to admit was NOT value for money
Other than that - a good weekend, and we did enjoy our time at the Christening even though it was cut a little short.
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Cheeky Monkey!!!!!!!
Little monkey got his own back on me tonight!
It is now 9:40 p.m. and Luke has had a late night because he has been asleep this afternoon for 2 hours. Anyway just been up to check on him to make sure he has finally gone to sleep.
Daddy (Whisper):
Luke... are you asleep (tip toeing into his bedroom)
Luke (Loud and sarcastic from the darkness):
No daddy - I am asleep
OMG - he is fast becoming like his daddy :D ... and believe me his tone was sarcastic ... like "daddy don't be stupid" kind of tone.
Sunday, 14 September 2008
It is no secret I am a big fan of Star Wars - and today Luke asked me to watch it with him :)
PROUD father - believe it or not :)
I fell asleep this afternoon watching it with Luke - I have been ill today in my defence (and yesterday) - suspected Man Flu!!!
It reminds me of when I used to watch films with my dad (rest his soul :)) - he always used to fall asleep watching em at the side of me - git :)
OH how quickly we become like our parents ;)
Family Parties ROCK!!!
Tonight was my cousin's 30th birthday - and god do i feel OLD!!!
Highlights of the evening...
1. Chatting to my cousin's daughter Faye - I used to baby sit for her - she is now 18!!!!!! When I was looking after her I was 18
2. Aunt Cathleen - "I remember you from BBC's The One Show" - I haven't told many people this but it is semi-funny.
Last year whilst on holiday in the Isle of Wight - we arrived at the boarding house for tea. I said to Julie lets stick the telly on... so I switch on BBC 1
Aunt Cathleen on "The One Show" - chatting with her "new" boyfriend about Internet Dating for the over 50's
I told the family about it (cos she hadn't told anyone) and they all called me a LIAR - how wrong they were!!!
Have to admit a very sureal moment
3. Kids - all my cousins are now sprouting kids and it is wierd. Doesn't seem 2 minutes since me and my cousins were the kids
How life passes by so fast ;)
PS: This is "another" drunk post - update tomorrow (early) to follow :D
May the Farce Be With You
Funny thing - prior to his Christening we told the vicar his names "Luke David"... she was like "Oh good strong Christian names". I did not have the heart to tell her the real reason :D
Anyway ... a mate of mine at work recommended this - Steve Crookes ... enjoy:)
My favourite lines:
"I had a Ford Galaxy... Far Far Away"
"I am looking for passage... to Aldershot"
"So this car has good handling - could it resist a tractor beam"
"The colour of my last car was a little on the dark side"
"If you strike me down now - you will lose your no claims bonus"
"Your bakery products are weak old man"
Thursday, 11 September 2008
Resistence is Futile
Ok - I am drunk (tipsy by my standards)... had a busy day and thought bugger it - beers in the Fridge lets make the most of Thursday. Lets not forget that Thursday is a transition to Friday and Friday it technically the weekend. Ok - so now I am weekend drinking (convinced myself) but still I shall resist any mindless drivell posting whilst drunk!!!!- Oh f*** - no I did not
Anyway, tonight I have stopped myself from (see previous posts)...
1. Purchasing http://www.davidcallaghan.com as a domain name - it was available for purchase - I actually wanted http://www.callaghan.com but that was alas gone!!! It was 20 quid plus some extra subscription to stop people getting my personal details - but I resisted
2. Almost bought Elbow's album because i like a song but resisted!!!
Aren't I a good boy!!!!
Elbow - One Day Like This
Drinking in the morning sun
Blinking in the morning sun
Shaking off the heavy one
Heavy like a loaded gun
What made me behave that way?
Using words I never say
I can only think it must be love
Oh, anyway it's looking like a beautiful day
Someone tell me how I feel
It's silly wrong but vivid right
Oh, kiss me like the final meal
Yeah, kiss me like we die tonight
Cause holy cow I love your eyes
And only now I see the light
Yeah lying with me half-awake
Oh, anyway
It's looking like a beautiful day
When my face is chamois-creased
If you think I'll wink, I did
Laugh politely at repeats
Yeah, kiss me when my lips are thin
Cause holy cow I love your eyes
And only now I see you like
Yeah, lying with me half-awake
Stumbling over what to say
Well, anyway it's looking like a beautiful day
So throw those curtains wide
One day like this a year'd see me right€
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
My Worse Fear - Realised
He always brings lots and lots of toys with him so me and Julie end up pushed to opposite sides of the bed :(
I woke this morning knowing Luke was at the side of me - I turned fully to my side (half asleep) and checked the time on my phone - it was 7:20 a.m.
I thought to myself blissfully I can sleep another half hour!!! - and rolled onto my back
To my surprise I was wet - the lower half of the back of my T-Shirt and arse were dripping. I threw the sheets off, jumped out of bed and there in the middle of me and Julie was a WET "BATMAN" (see previous post) - Bruce Wayne had pee'ed himself.
I now can see the funny side - but at the time I was very wound up and upset. If he wants to pee the bed he has his own bed with plastic sheets. Julie has spent part of the morning cleaning it up and the first hour of the evening re-washing our mattress and drying it with a hair dryer.
At the super market tonight I had to buy some fabreeze just to take away any potential odours (from the pee and disinfectant) :(
I am sure I shall recall this story at an appropriate (and embarrassing) point in Luke's future - I remember some of the terrible stories my parents used to tell and now I know WHY!!!
Saturday, 6 September 2008

Friday, 5 September 2008
GHOSTBUSTERS 3!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is the bbc news article basically saying that 2 writers have been commisioned to write a Ghostbusters sequel.
Thursday, 4 September 2008
Off the Grog - or I will be when Julie finds out...
I got drunk on Sunday because:
1. It helps with the Transition from Sunday to Monday
2. I am left alone to play XBOX whilst Julie and Luke visit relatives - which is a good excuse for a sociable tipple with myself
3. It had been a couple of weeks since my last drink
Anyway... Sunday was a little hazy cos I had more than a little...
1. To my surprise Tuesday a package arrived - an XBOX 360 game - 12 quid - ordered whilst drunk
2. Today I recieved a Spider-man DVD for Luke - but again ordered whilst drunk - a moment of weakness and I had remembered ordering though
3. Have on order Grosse Point Blank - again a moment of weakness and I also remebered ordering
4. I have a note from the postie this morning for a package collection - 35 quid game which I had also forgotten ordering - but it is one I have wanted for a while (some excuse) - so am sort of happy
Trouble is being a family man I find it hard to justify the stack of DVDs and Games only suitable for MOI on top of the cupboard.
Hoping Julie doesnt realise :)
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
We gave him a new T-Shirt... "Star Wars - Clone Wars" :) - he has now Graduated from Doctor Who and is now obsessed with Batman, Superman, Spider-man, Star Wars etc. etc.
Luke now also dresses himself and was very excited and proceeded to run away with the shirt to try it on.
Unfortunatly we had not taken the tags off (large cardboard ones) and whilst he was putting it on he scratched his EYE. He sobbed for ages, but eventually calmed down and everything was ok - or so me and Jules thought!
Mid-afternoon he started complaining about his eye and crying at his Granparents and they called Julie and she decided to take him to the Hospital.
At the hospital he had to have dye in his eye and a blue torch shined into his eye to check for scratches. He also managed to get dye all over him - hands, arms, face and legs. The doctor was very nice and she let Luke shine the torch in her eye and he apparently sat very very patiently (no tears) whilst he had the dye in his eye and the exam.
Lukily he has not damaged his eyeball and it is just scratching near the eye - painful for him none the less.
He was rewarded with a comic and some chocolate - so he soon perked up ;)
How WIERD is this... Just been chatting to one of my good friends Paul.
Yesterday afternoon his son James prodded himself in the eye with a piece plastic and he had to be rushed to A and E for a similar EYE exam.
James is also doing ok with no damage to his eyeball.
Monday, 1 September 2008
Jim Carrey Does "Snow - Informer"
Snow - Informer
Jim Carrey - Imposter